"Achaar Ghar meaning “House of Pickles”. As the name suggests, varieties of Nepali pickles appear on your table as you complete your food order. They believe Nepali cuisine is incomplete without its pickles. Therefore, come be a part of this gastronomical delight and pickle your tastebuds. We also serve pure Nepali Coffee, smoothies, shakes to quench your thirst."
Jhamsikhel road, Lalitpur 44700
11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Which is your best selling Achaar?
Our wide variety of Achaar is equally loved and appreciates. However, our best selling Achaar is one made up of Mango and Chicken.
Is there added preservatives in your Achaar?
No. There is no added preservatives in our achaar. It is same as you found in your kitchen cabinet.
How long does the Achaar lasts without being damaged?
It lasts for 6 months and more but advisable to consume within 6 months only.
Achaar Ghar
17th December, 2021
They serve best achaar in the town.